Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Be inspired. Be inspiring.

Today’s post is going to be about motivation...

 I often scroll through Facebook and Instagram and see other people who post their progress and their workouts and it gets me really motivated. I wish I saw these at home and not just on my breaks at work because it makes me want to get up and workout right then and there. I find the hardest part about dieting and working out is staying motivated especially when times get rough. I often wish I had a workout partner to train with but whenever I do go to the gym with a partner we are usually silent and working out separately until we do abdominals. When I look at profiles of other competitors and see their transformation I say to myself "that can be me... That will be me... I want that satisfaction". 

Something I have also found really helpful for motivation is the right music. I personally need the music not just playing but blaring in my ears. I mean it's worth the trade anyways, right? Ear drums in exchange for a nice figure... Not even my doctor has ever told me I have sexy ear drums so I figure... who'll notice? -- I'm already hard of hearing LOL. But on a more serious note, I've always been very passionate about music... It can set, enhance or change my mood completely. I can go from Daughtry to Nickleback, to Britney Spears and Don Omar and then I suddenly find myself dancing inbetween sets -.- working out releases endorphins that make you feel great and even though it may be tough getting there or even sticking to the workout, it's so worth it in the end. This week I am going to make it a goal to update the music on my phone for the gym... Anybody have any suggestions of artists, songs or mixes? 

Here are some pictures today that I found extremely motivating today... 

(So true... Never do I ever want to hear "suck in the guy" especially when I'm in a photoshoot!)
Gotta love nice set of legs and booty topped off with a flat tummy!

My parents raised me right...

A post my mother made while sharing my modeling portfolio on her Facebook.. If anyone taught me what it means to be a true fighter it's her... And if I knew she wouldn't behead me, I would post HER modeling pictures that I look at every day. Trust me when I tell you she has the finest legs any woman would die for. I love you, Mom! 

So I must ask.. What/who inspires you? I hope to in some way inspire others with a crazy lifestyle and any doubt at all. I don't always feel strong, so if I can do it than so can you... No excuses!

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