I’ve learned a few new things about myself. Firstly, ain’t no way in hell I can get any school work done at home! If I’m in the kitchen I will immediately go back and forth to the fridge, get distracted by NCIS or Criminal Minds constantly playing on the living room T.V. or want to pet the dogs under my desk. Secondly, as easy as math comes to me, I CANNOT read it out of a text book. Doing College Algebra out of the text without someone re-showing me how polynomial fractions are done is damn near impossible, and if I try to study in my room I will put the book down and go to sleep.. It is just not happening! Third, I have always loved animals but never did I realize how much I truly love and adore them until I helped my little girl give birth and help raise them. From watching their first steps, witnessing them opening their eyes, making sure they eat on schedule and coddling them when they are fussy, I loved being “Nana”. Not many people get to experience raising puppies for 8 weeks... and BOY was it draining and a pain, but I would not exchange the experience for the world. I’m fairly confident that one day when I do have children, I will do alright. I even have an aspiration to open up an animal rescue one day... My cousin asked "why do you work in a hospital and not a animal hospital?" And my response was "because Ill want to take them all home!" It's so true, but I love to help everyone, including animals :)
Needless to say, I fell off of my fitness kick due to my obligations at home. I am up at the crack of dawn and don’t get home from work until6/6:30 with puppies to feed and clean up after and helping out around the house. I couldn’t exactly go out to the coffee shop or library either to get school work done so both school and the gym, sadly, got put on hold; HOWEVER, now that the very missed puppies have new homes, I have picked out my new competition dates for June 2014 and it gives me about 7 months to prepare. I have doubled my salary but am making a conscious effort to save up, fix my car, pay off all of my debt and eventually register to be apart of a fitness team like Team Bombshell or Team Edge! I’m going to make it a point to put myself on a strict schedule for school, work, gym, and spending time at home with my friends and loved ones. No one but me is going to get me to my goal so I need to crack down and GET’R DONE! By saving money on food every week and after my taxes I’ll finally be able to start doing things for ME which I haven’t exactly done in a while.
With help from one of my GNC/Meathead buddies, I’m going to come up with a simple diet that stays routine and less like a menu. I hate protein but I need to suck it up so I’ve looked up some awesome/simple protein recipes that are quick and easy to prepare so that I can go back to enjoying eating healthy. Muffins, cake, French toast, cereal, dessert…mmmm… I’ll feel like I’m cheating on my diet even though I’m not! My cousin/sister that lives at home with us loves to bake so maybe it’s something that we can both get into together. I’m rather excited. I don’t expect anything for Christmas since we are forfeiting gifts this year BUT if I could make a wish-list it would consist of gym compression shorts, fitness tank tops and the new mealbox/purse that 6PackBags is coming out with!
How freaking cool do those bags look? Look just like a purse but instead is a lunch box for the day. Despite the fact that I would feel more like the woman I am growing to be, it would be so much more convenient than lugging around the huge picnic basket I had before. I’m super excited for them to release this line.
I think once taxes come out, after my car gets fixed and credit cards are paid off than I will be making some smart investments. Long story short of this scatterbrained post, I am extremely excited to have things back on track now. Biff is still that “on the go” girl but she’s now going to be more organized and focused than ever was before... So look out because this nurse is about to administer a large dose of whoop-ass!
...Ps for all of you who haven't seen my grand-pups here they are!
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