Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Reason or Excuse

Can anyone distinguish the difference between a reason and an excuse? What criteria makes a reason excusable and an excuse reasonable? A reason is defined as a cause, an explanation or justification of an action or event. An excuse is defined as an explanation to defend a fault or offense. To me, one sounds like a little more positive than the other. A reason is made for something that actually happened and excuses are made for something that was either improper or not done at all. The two excuses I despise hearing the most are “I’m just so tired” or “I don’t have the time”. I don’t exactly have time to commute to and from my full time job in the city, go to nursing school, be present at home to spend time with my family and help out my mother or even go train at the gym… that doesn’t include meal prep, running errands, spending time with my dog or even hanging out with any of my friends. I barely even sleep at night but I still get up and do my daily routine, do what is expected of me to my best ability and don’t stop running until I’m done. I find myself taking little naps on my breaks or before my morning shift in my car. But fact of the matter is that I have a life to live, bills to pay, responsibilities to take care of, a job to maintain, a future to build and a healthy lifestyle to start so I’m alive to do all of those things. I often wish I was one of the kids my age who don’t need to work, who get everything they ask for including money and have all their expenses taken care of for them by their parents. I wish I didn’t have to pay my way all the time so I could afford more food and protein and supplements for the gym or even new clothes, maybe get my nails done once in a while. Regardless, that wasn’t the hand of cards I was dealt and I play the game my hardest and don’t cheat or make excuses. Will I cut corners occasionally? Sure. Do I sometimes put off a bill, skip a set at the gym or even sleep in more than I should sometimes? –Yes. But if I can accomplish all that I have and continue to do with all of the life stressors I have on my plate than I don’t want to hear people tell me they’re too tired to keep a promise, show up for a function or even go to the gym and exercise. To me those are excuses and not valid reasons. Maybe I push myself too hard, maybe I don’t give myself enough time to recoup especially when I’m sick, but being tired or being sick has never stopped me from doing what I need to do. I find it motivating seeing people who are bombarded with obligations and life problems succeed and finish what they start. I think its inspiring and actually gives me hope and confidence that I can do the same. Its really depressing to me to see people constantly making those irritating two excuses for not doing important things that could help them. Sometimes I think society has lost its will power and work ethic. I refuse to become a follower of that crowd. I will beat my own drum and march in my own direction if need be because I cannot be negatively influenced anymore. I pray for those who need to find the will and motivation, especially when it comes to friends and family. I hope my story that you’ll read about, of my success and accomplishments, my hardships, my rising and occasional falls, will inspire someone to make a change –if not for themselves than for someone else. Don’t make an excuse for what you didn’t do, but rather come up with a reason for a change.

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