Today was a success as far as dieting and workout goes. I didn't even finish every bit of my meals today. I still had some extra salad and chicken left over and didnt eat my cucumbers. My workout truly kicked my ass. I focused on legs and abs today --- I probably won't be able to sit up or walk up the stairs tomorrow morning! I accomplished 200 squats with a bar, narrow and wide, 100 lunges with 10lb weights, 100 leg extensions and by the time I got to leg presses I could barely press 30lbs without wanting to cry LOL MIND YOU, I usually leg press 90-130 lab in a pyramid form. That took up the majority of my time. Afterwards I did about 500 crunches in combination of standard, side lying, in/outs, frogs, two an machines, hanging crunch and leaning crunches. I actually sweat more today than I had ever since I started and that feels good.
While I was there I met with one of the staff members about getting a fitness analysis at 8am tomorrow morning. It will include a body fat%, weight, discussing my goals and going over my form. I really can't afford to train with a trainer but I may meet once or twice in the next 6 weeks to change up my routine. Tomorrow is shoulders/tris day. I may do that before I meet with Kenny and do some cardio afterwards that I missed on Sunday.
I finished my meals for tomorrow:::
+ Breakfast: Fiber One cereal with strawberries
+ snack: banana, yogurt, quest bar
+ Lunch: peanut butter on wheat with carrots
+ Snack: cold cuts
+ Dinner: Turkey burger with a slice of spicy cheese :)
I'm trying to cut as low on the carbs as I can. I've decided to add to my supplements and try this Raspberry Ketones Drink and switch up my protein bar. Lets make known though that I am experimenting with this Ketones drink because a huge part of me believes its a coax. Whenever a customer comes in asking for it, green coffee bean, garcinia Cambogia or anything else from Dr. Oz I want to slam my head against the wall. Maybe I'm just a stimulant freak and know that anything stim-Free wont help me any more than all the coca cola/caffeine I've been drinking over the years but everyone is different. I figure, now that I cut out soda and caffeine, aside from my thermogenic, than the extra support can't hurt right? What Dr. Oz fails to mention is that unless you stop drinking stimulants than the chance of those ingredients working for you are just about the same as anyone agreeing to Bury that Boston bomber in their cemetery... fat chance! The quest bars are the most popular selling bar we have at GNC. After all the talk and requests I've decided to try them. They actually don't taste bad at all -- a little dry for my liking but after all it is a protein bar. Customers have even suggested I cut up the brownie and cookie dough ones and bake them! Sounds like I can have fun with that :) they're so high in fiber I can barely get through half of it, and the sugar/carb/fat content is amazingly low. My boss pointed out how much sugar the kind bars had and I immediately switched. My goal is to stay below 1500 calories a day. Today I only took in a little more than 1,000 calories. According to myfitnesspal app, to maintain my weight I would need to consume roughly 2,000 calories a day. Like I've mentioned, I don't care what the scale says, but if I need to cut calories to tone up than so be it. Ill be sure to post about my fitness analysis tomorrow. If I can't get out of bed I hope someone has a hoier lift to transfer me to Retro at 8am! Anywho, gotta continue to study for my neuro exam at school tomorrow and get up early so this babbling beyotch is going to hit the hay! Shooshoo-nana everyone :)
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