Thursday, May 2, 2013

GNC Manager + Nursing Student = Bikini Competitor?

     For all who don't know me, my name is Elizabeth (aka Liz or Biff) and I am constantly 'on the go'. I am 21 years old, a full time manager at GNC Live Well and nursing student. Ever since I've moved back home from living in Orange County, New York, I spend more time in my car or at work and school than I do home. I actually tried naming my blog "ontheGOGIRL". It fits me well for 2 reasons; one of which I just made mention. I am going to a trade school in New York to become a Licensed Practical Nurse. It takes me about an hour to get there from my house, class for 3-6 hours a day (depending on the day), and then another hour to go straight to work back in the 'Dirty Jerz'. Just before I permanently moved home I was managing a store in New York, a block from my apartment, and was then transferred to New Jersey about 30 minutes from my current home. (Gets a little confusing, I know) So after class, I then jump back into my car and commute another hour to work where I give nutritional advice until about 10pm and drive 30 minutes home to my bed. By the time I finish homework or any studying I usually don't 'hit the hay' until about 1:30am and I toss and turn until the very last minute and either have to leave the house by 7am or 11pm (depending on the day, like I said). Do you have a headache absorbing this yet? I'm not done yet! I just recently signed up and started working for my RN Associates degree through the College Network. Talk about a headache! All I have to say is THANK GOD I am graduating in a month and a half of this trade school. It will soon give me an extra 5 hours to my day at least, 23 hours to my week.
    The hard part about juggling school, work, the commute and the studying is making time for my loved ones at home who I love hanging out with, my babygirl (Puppy!) that waits to sleep with me every night, and my friends  who have busy lives of their own. Not only does my phone not stop going off with texts and calls from friends that just want to catch up, but also the needy ones that constantly demand attention. Sh*t gets rough. The WORST part about juggling all the above is not getting enough ME time. Of course I want to spend more time with people but when will Elizabeth be able to go do something she loves? Like getting tattooed for example... or even continuing my paused apprenticeship with tattooing! Expanding my modelling portfolio! Travelling, Learning to play the piano, or even dancing/competiting on stage. Yes, I have a lot of hobbies and aspirations and not enough time to do it all. This may sound silly because of my age. I'm 21, still young, right? Well, I feel like I'm 35 with too many bills and responsibilities to keep my sanity while most of my friends are away at school stressing about how they don't want to graduate because of not wanting to live in the real world. Oh how I envy them some days -_-. I know, I know... I own my own car, I'm a month and a half away from a good paying career that will eventually get better, I've lived on my own, pay my own bills and consider myself to be pretty responsible. I'm aware I am and will be better off than most kids my age but I envy their time to be themselves, enjoy their age and life and have a little fun. With all of that being said I've decided to start doing something for myself.
    I'm 5'5"/140lbs and have gained about 20lbs in the last two years. No, people, I'm not about to tell you I'm fat or in fear of being fat. Actually, I find myself to be rather lucky. For as long as I can remember, everyone has always envied the fact that I could eat bags of candy, chug tons of energy drinks and soda, and stuff my face with whatever fast food I desired and not gain a pound and still fit in my clothing; HOWEVER, I am getting older, my metabolism is slowing down and I've learned in my current occupation that what I do to my body now will sure affect me a few years down the road. I have been working on my modelling portfolio for 2 years now and I've decided that maybe its about time I take it to another level. Long story short, I'm now a Retro Fitness member, on a low carb/high protein diet and am training to be a bikini competitor! Not only would I feel better about myself, my eating habits and my body but it can also put my foot in the door for more modelling opportunities. My first competition is June 15th, 2013. I have already ordered the bikini, purchased all of my supplements, created an acceptable diet plan and, with a little help from my awesome boss and manager, and pain-in-the-butt co workers, have designed my own intense workout plan. They see me 6 days a week and are on top of me with everything. God forbid I come in with a bottle of coca cola I never hear the end of it! Lol. When I made this decision I was 10 weeks out. I followed my diet and went to the gym for 2 weeks but then suddenly became drained and unmotivated for 2 weeks. After talking to MY manager and my big boss, I've decided I need to stop throwing myself a pity party and just do this thing! Now, some have asked... Why a bikini competition? There isn't a certain goal you just want to reach? Well, honestly, no there isn't. I dont care how much I weigh; by that I mean, I can weigh 150 and as long as I look sexy as 'fook' thats all fine by me! So with that being said I don't have a weight goal, I am using this competition as a goal and as motivation, something to work for and towards because I have always worked for everything in life; I can thank my parents for that upbringing and I'm proud to say I am a hard worker. Anyways, I am now 6 weeks out starting this Sunday and its now crunch time. After a lot of researching, I've discovered that I'm not far off from where I should be come competition time but I still need to keep on track. I figured this blog would be a great opportunity to maybe inspire a few "busy bodies" with "no time for the gym" and a low self esteem to get the ball rolling and realize they can make the time. You'll see my progress, I'll mention my meal plan and my workout... my struggles, my strengths and my improvements. I'm sure I will  talk about the important people in my life, my inspirations, my hardships, my school and work rants and just my rants on all the needy people I encounter but my main focus will be blogging my achievements in the next 2 months.
    I will be starting Sunday because I wont be home tomorrow or Saturday to get back to the gym or do any meal prepping. I've been given the honor in being apart of a dear friends wedding this weekend and there is far too much to do... With ALL of that being said, for all of those who are intruiged, stay tuned for my first post this Sunday!

P.S. For those who didn't catch it, I did mention there were 2 reasons as to why I wanted to name this blog OnTheGOGIRL. One is obvious, but did anyone catch the second reason? Probably NOT because I never mentioned it. As you may notice, GOGIRL is in all capitals. This is because no matter what I achieve, what I'm competiting for, or what I'm trying to do, my mother always recognizes my hard work and my passion and comments every status, picture or card with "You Go Girl!" My mom is the strongest woman I know, and works harder than almost anyone I know. She has been through hell and back with raising 3 children on her own and working multiple jobs. If she hasn't given up yet, than there is no reason why I should feel discouraged. She is my motivation. <3
Here is my first picture when I was 10 weeks out from competition. Since I was 2 weeks on and then off my diet, not much has changed so I'll be sure to post my progess as I go :)

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