I know I've been posting about restarting my workout routine and diet regimen for a while. Well guess what, folks.... I graduate this Tuesday!!! *HAPPY DANCE* This means, no more 2.5 hour commute a day, more money in my wallet and not in my gas tank, more time to spend with family, friends, SLEEP, and importantly.... The gym! I never thought I'd ever say those words because as I've described before there were days I swore I'd never lift a weight in my life and you wouldn't catch me dead on a treadmill. WELP.... You know what they say, NEVER say never! And here I am about to announce that tomorrow will OFFICIALLY start my new regimen and routine. I am 12 weeks Out from competition and my game face is on! (Kinda, I don't really have a serious game face... I always start laughing at myself. Only serious face I can give is the dirty look I can instinctively give any man when he acts up. I do it rather well! thanks Mom =] ) I've been expressing lately that it's hard to stay focused and motivated about dieting and working out when I've always been able to eat what I want when I want and not have to worry about burning off the calories. Some days I need the extra push, that person I can text or talk to while sweets are staring me right in the face and they will tell me "No Liz, you'll turn into a hippo on stage if you eat that!" Or even motivate me at the gym with "Come on Tubby, PICK UP THE PACE!" Although if anyone told me yelled that at me I would probably fall over and laugh hysterically, I could really use it. Most friends who I take to the gym with me I have to motivate and force them to keep going when they want to give up... What about me? WELL, I'm putting on my big girl panties and I'm going to just start telling myself that. One of my best friends who happens to be family is home for the summer and decided she would go with me this summer so I feel a bit better about it. My new routine is super intense. Only one off day and 6 days a week of Cardio... my cardio rotates daily though so I'm not doing the same thing multiple times in one week thankfully! I want to get done drenched as if my uncle threw me into his pool with all of my clothes on like he used to. I decided I'm going to cut out the diuretics until the last two weeks of training so I can see a drastic difference. I bought a fitness journal that breaks down my day by diet, calculating carbs, protein, fat and calories and keeping track of my routines so I can see my improvement. Ill also be taking weekly photos and practice my posing so I can see my week by week progress. Graduating that nursing trade program makes me feel like I can do anything considering the past two years were HELL! I'm about to start running circles around the devil :)
Even though BOCES is over I am still studying for my RN and reviewing to get my license as an LPN. To keep my nursing mind fresh while also focusing on training, I may occasionally start every post with a Nursing Diagnosis on myself and end it with an intervention. I find it quite amusing what you can come up with.
Today? Knowledge Deficit: r/t learning what it takes to become a bikini competitor evidenced by this blog. Interventions include weekly research, asking questions, welcoming feedback from all followers of my blog and logging my progress as often as possible!
This is just a little quote I found while obsessively browsing on Pinterest and decided that it fits me well. May just make it into another tattoo! :-D